Update your MasterLockit via the unit itself through the browser.
Important: Always make sure your unit is powered from a reliable external source before and during the update procedure. Loss in power while update may render your Master Lockit a service case.
Current Firmware shows detailed information of your system environment such as code revisions and the unit’s serial number.
Select a File through your local file browser or drag ‘n’ drop a file through open explorer/finder.
Navigate the update file, then click Upload & Restart. A 5 minute countdown will initialize after successful upload after which you need to log back in to the WiFi.
If the page doesn’t refresh automatically, hit the reload button on your browser. If the firmware update involves an update to the Lockit firmware (which will be the case mostly) the unit will automatically power down after a while. Press and hold the config wheel until the LEDs rapidly flash alternating, then release and let the Master Lockit boot through.