If the 3/8" thread on your QuickPole damaged and you would like to replace the steel tip yourself you can refer to this instructions. The guide refers to all discontinued QuickPole models. The latest QP5 and QP5 Slim do have removable tips instead that can easily be unscrewed from the segment.
The process is not trivial and can damage the carbon tube if not done correctly.
If you feel unsure about the procedure, it is better to return your QuickPole to Ambient.
Here is what you need to do:
Heat the steel tip to about 120° C with a heat fan whilst protecting the carbon fiber boom from heat. You can use a wet piece of cloth to cool down the outside of the carbon tube.
When the tip is hot enough the glue will start steaming a bit.
At this point, put a screw driver through the hole and twist the tip so it goes loose, then pull it out.
Now you need to thoroughly clean the surface of the carbon tube from any old glue residues. Mechanical cleaning with a scalpel is required but you need to make sure not to cut the tube itself.
Before applying the glue, you need to make sure that the surfaces of both the boom segment and the tip are absolutely clean! You can use alcohol to clean the surface from any dust and a bit of acetone to prime the surface for the epoxy glue.
Any high quality two-component glue should do the trick. We use Locktite EA 3421.
You can order spare parts for QuickPole booms at your dealer or directly at Ambient if no dealer is available.
The part number for the QP series 4 and QS tip is V2AQP.
The part number for the QL, QX and QXS series tip is V2AQL.